Где получить БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ лазерные шоу | Pangolin Laser Systems

Где получить БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ лазерные шоу

Laser shows are the emotional event, that are lasers build for. If you are a laserist, you have certainly seen a lot of laser shows over the time – free laser shows and commercial ones. If you are new to lasers, you perhaps came to lasers by being at an event where a laser show has been performed. All in all there is no light like laser light.

Laser shows at events can be free laser shows or commercial laser shows

Different kinds laser shows

Laser shows appear as live laser shows (free laser shows or commercial), where a laser jockey (LJ) performs his laser show dynamically to a music or a performance. A good preparation of laser animations and laser images, as well as knowledge, precision and speed are the skills a good live laser jockey needs to bring along.
The laser show is broken down into single pieces and laser animation loops to react in to time to different event situation in music or performance.
For that a Grid system for quick access to all Cues, and slider for property manipulation and effects are the best way, like in Pangolin Quickshow.

Live Laser Shows can exist as free laser shows

Pre-programmed laser shows are often synced and companied by music. As during the creation work, a laser show programmer has much more time and possibilities to let three dimensional looking light fill the whole area. He can use the emotion by the music and increase it many times by letting the laser light support and tell a story, that the audience has never seen before.
For that the timeline based programming is the most convinient and intuitive way to place events and manipulate the visual appearance by effects to create a whole new world, as many of the professional laser show programmer do with Pangolin BEYOND.

beyond-multimedia-timeline for creating free laser shows

Can anyone become a laser show programmer?

The answer is YES. Just little time and creative energy are enough to create stunning laser shows with Pangolin BEYOND, and even with Pangolin Quickshow (the entry level software).

But what if time is limited and I like to learn and improve my laser show programming skills?

Pangolin knows about the clients needs and already offers a solution since years for its client base – the Pangolin Show Portal for free laser shows.
But as achived this, Pangolin looked into the future and prepared to fulfill the clients wishes more easy and convinient. So as Pangolin reached version 3, for its laser show performance and creation software solutions BEYOND and QuickShow, they improved the way of getting laser show content:

The Pangolin Cloud – FOR FREE

The Pangolin Cloud is merged with the laser show performance and creation software solutions BEYOND and QuickShow. This way it never has been more easy to use and get high quality laser image and animation content FOR FREE. There are a few platforms out there, selling laser frames, based on a per frame price. With the Pangolin Cloud, Pangolin user have a huge stock of laser frames and images available, that is constantly growing as user can take part and publish their awesome content as well.

BEYOND cloud contains free laser shows


But not only animation and frames, also whole shows are available and can be shared within the Pangolin Cloud with all Pangolin users. All animation, frames and shows are reviewed and categorized, so they appear at an easy-to-find place within the Pangolin Cloud user interface. Of course a search for quick filtering the huge laser content database is also available. Obtaining new content is just a drag-n-drop away. That easy.

Watch this video that shows how to use and work with the Pangolin Cloud:

NO MORE SEARCHING – Obtain FREE laser shows

So instead of spending time at known search engines or looking for content spread across the whole internet for free laser shows, Pangolin created a place for your creativity and made laser show creation as easy as 1-2-3 by providing ALL members of the Pangolin family this “place of magic and emotions”.

Once again Pangolin is on the innovative top of the time to provide the best user experience for clients and all members of the laser industry.

Join Pangolin on Social Media

Another great way to get laser shows and content, is to join our Facebook communities. In our Facebook groups, you can connect with thousands of laser artists from around the world, many of whom specialize in creating custom shows and content for clients. You can join us on Facebook and social media, using the links below:

Friend us on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/PangolinSystems
Join our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PoweredbyPangolin/
Follow us on Twitter: www.Twitter.com/PangolinSystems

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