Лазерные шоу-проекторы для научного центра Aurelium | Pangolin Laser Systems

Лазерные шоу-проекторы для научного центра Aurelium

Science and laser show projectors are always a magnificent combination. And recently the team at KVANT performed a stunning laser light and multimedia show, for the iconic Aurelium Centre of Science, in Bratislava. This show really magnified what a “multimedia” is all about. It combined lasers, video, DMX lighting and more, to create a stunning visual experience for guests to enjoy.

For starters, the venue was rigged with 4 x KVANT ClubMAX 3000 laser show projectors all equipped with Pangolin’s new FB4 laser control hardware, which acts as a complete media server, for laser show. These four units provided some beautiful arial laser beam effects, creating a nice ambiance for the science center.

To further highlight the show, 2 x KVANT ClubMAX 3000 laser show projectors (also equipped with Pangolin FB4 laser show hardware), we used to perform custom laser graphics and laser mapping effects, across a strategically placed AUDI automobile.

What made this show truly unique, was the innovative way in which all multimedia elements (lasers, DMX lighting, and video) were controlled from Pangolin’s award winning BEYOND laser show, and FB4 media server. The powerful new DMX engine inside of BEYOND made this possible, as it now offers complete control and design capabilities, for all types of multimedia shows and events.

Check out a clip from this recent laser show here: 

Show Tec:

Beam show: 4x KVANT Clubmax 3000 + 4 x FB4
Laser mapping: 2 x KVANT Clubmax 3000 +2 x FB4
DMX, lights, and video controlled from Beyond laser show software, with 4 x video projectors

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