Новости | Pangolin Laser Systems


LaserNet и Pangolin принимают участие в выставке LDI 2013

At the 2013 LDI show in Las Vegas, Nevada; Pangolin Laser Systems and Laser Production Network (LaserNet) put together a laser show display, that was second to none, With a total of 18 ILDA compati...

Триумф клиентов Pangolin на церемонии награждения International Display Association Awards в 2013 году

Награды ILDA рассматриваются многими как "Оскар" в лазерной индустрии. В этом году клиенты Pangolin получили огромное количество наград за свою удивительную работу в этой области. Мы в Pangolin, вс...

Pangolin направляется в LDI Las Vegas с живыми лазерными выступлениями, DJ Mobius8

We are gearing up here at Pangolin, to head to the 2013 LDI exhbition in Las Vegas, Nevada (we’re located in booth 559). We are very excited for LDI this year, as we look forward to showing our cli...

Уличный парад в Цюрихе - Powered by Laserworld и Pangolin

The 2013 Zurich Street Parade in Zurich, Switzerland has grown to be one of the largest outdoor festivals in the country. This year, an estimated 950,000 people attended the event, and lined the st...

Новый устройство TC2000 от Pangolin

Pangolin just recently released an all new TC2000 SMPTE Timecode device. This was announced along with tons of other interesting laser industry news, in the latest edition of the Pangolin Post. Ch...

Pangolin на the LASERWORLD of Photonics Munich Show

The Pangolin Team is now exhibiting at the 2013 Laserworld of Photonics Munich Exhibition, showcasing the latest technologies from our LASORB and ScannerMAX divisions. LASORB is a semiconductor cop...

Pangolin Europe Tour - Москва

We just finished our final open house even for the Pangolin Europe Tour, in Moscow, Russia. What a beautiful city, and with some great laserists! We really appreciated the great feedback we got fro...

Pangolin приобрел интеллектуальную собственность Phoenix Showcontroller

Pangolin Laser Systems, a world leader in laser control software and hardware for the entertainment industry has acquired the intellectual property of Phoenix Showcontroller, in a move which will b...

Компания Pangolin Laser Systems сотрудничает с UCF для обучения студентов лазерным развлечениям и промышленным лазерным приложениям

Pangolin Laser Systems Inc. was proud to partner with the University of Central Florida’s CREOL College of Optics and Photonics, to put on a presentation about how laser technology is being used i...